In recent months we have heard stories about large corporations losing CDs and USBs containing confidential details of millions of customers, including bank details, health records and other sensitive information. The general public are understandably worried about the safety of their confidential information, and the companies that store this data have a duty to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
The stories that dominate the news relate primarily to larger businesses, however this does not mean the same security lapses aren’t happening in smaller enterprises. In fact, the possibilities of data loss are just as likely, if not more so, because of budget and personnel constraints. But this shouldn’t be an excuse.
In the current economic climate, businesses should treat their customers like gold dust. Repeat business is vital to the prosperity of most SMEs and confidential information should be protected in an appropriate manner.
Human error is always an added risk and unfortunately mistakes are made despite best efforts to avoid them. However, if SMEs become more vigilant and follow simple rules to protect their data, even in the event of piracy or theft, they can reduce the chances of data loss dramatically. Both they and their customers will be safe in the knowledge that their data is protected from unauthorised access.
A new product on the data protection market reaches out to smaller businesses helping them password protect, encrypt and record their data. It is ideal for those needing to backup or distribute sensitive data quickly and very simply without compromising the level of security.
AutoSave Encrypt contains a pioneering embedded technology (CDSoft-R Cryptex) which means you won’t need to install any software in order to burn and encrypt your files to disc. The files are password protected when the data is initially transferred onto the disc. If your Cryptex disc is lost or stolen, it will become totally useless without the original disc or the password to access it.
For more information on this product and other security products visit this website:
By increasing the awareness of the importance of data security, we hope SMEs and corporations take responsibility for protecting private information.
From a business and personal perspective, it is the right thing to do.